Monday, June 8, 2015


Kathy High’s exhibition called “Waste Matters: You Are My Future,” was an exhibit that explored immune systems and showed research on how immune systems maintain themselves and how bacteria plays a role in our bodies. 

Kathy High’s inspiration for this project came from her own personal experience of having Crohn’s disease.  Crohn’s disease is a chronic inflammatory condition of the gastrointestinal tract.   Her work in this exhibit is very important to her because it speaks to the condition that she has and as a result, it is something that she is passionate about.

Within the presentation room, there were displays of waste, as well as artwork that portrayed creative pieces incorporating the body and her self-portraits.  Kathy’s work opened my eyes up to the endless possibilities that creativity offers.  I found her exhibit incredibly unique and out of the ordinary.  I love that she is able to use her disease as inspiration for her work because it reveals her determined and positive attitude toward her condition.

Some of the specific biological research that Kathy did as part of this exhibit was looking into gut biomes as well as fecal microbial transplants to explore how the bacteria functions in our body.  Overall, her work informed her audience on how immune systems and bacteria affect our bodies.

“Waste Matters: You Are My Future” was an exhibit that made me think outside of the box.  It was a wonderful example of how such a deep biological, scientific study can be presented in an artistic form.

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