Sunday, May 10, 2015


Based upon what I have learned this far in this class, I can already tell that there are no limits to human creativity.  Biotechnology and art, according to the lecture on the two cultures, would certainly be considered parts of two distinct, separate worlds… biotech coming from the culture of math and science and art coming from the culture of art.  However, if you explore biotechnology and the complex, creative projects and studies that have been done in the field, you will come to see that biotechnology is in fact an artistic field.

Edward Steichen is a perfect example of how biotechnology (and in his case, hybridization) and art are intertwined.  In his work he crossbred flowers, particularly delphiniums, to create different flower breeds.  He displayed his flowers in museums and his work is well known and recognized in the artistic culture (Hartmann).

I think it is amazing to see how people like Steichen can stretch the expectations and boundaries that people hold on the capacity of creativity.  Some people believe that there are limits to human creativity and they do not see Steichen’s work as a piece of art.  On the contrary, there are many people who believe that human creativity has no bounds and Steichen’s work is a testament to that claim.

I think that we should all pursue the things that we are passionate about and if we do that, we will find a way to express ourselves creatively in whatever field that might be.

BioTech and Art Part 5. Dir. Victoria Vesna. Perf. Victoria Vesna. 2015. YouTube.

Delgado, Rick. "How Artists Are Blending Biotechnology And Art."MakeUseOf. N.p., 8 May 2015. Web. 10 May 2015. <>.

Hartmann, Celia. "EDWARD STEICHEN ARCHIVE: DELPHINIUMS BLUE (AND WHITE AND PINK, TOO)." InsideOut. The Museum of Modern Art, 8 Mar. 2011. Web. 10 May 2015. <>.

Stippl, Hannah. "Delphinium, Delphinium and More Delphinium."Delphinium, Delphinium and More Delphinium. Research Catalogue, 25 June 2014. Web. 10 May 2015. <>.

"What Is Biotechnology?" What Is Biotechnology? Biotechnology Industry Organization, 2015. Web. 10 May 2015. <>.

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